Healing Power Of Stones

Stones have been accompanying humans from the beginning. Even in ancient times people have attributed them magical and healing power. Favorite jewelery has so often became an amulet. Stones help people overcome different types of diseases and strengthen their balance.

Meaning of Stones



Agate is a stone of peace and happiness. It relieves stress and provides its holder great support and source of strength. It promotes inner stability, serenity and maturity. Its warm, protective features support a sense of security and self-confidence. It has beneficial effects on human health.



Amazonite is a stone of peace, success and intuition. It helps to balance emotions, relieve nervousness, relieve stress and mood swings. Amazonite maintains a balance of male and female energy, and at the same time it can disperse excess or negative energy. It supports vitality and physical endurance.



Amethyst is a protective and spiritual stone. It helps to find mental balance, stimulates the senses, has strong healing power, stresses, insomnia, negative emotions, anger, anxiety and anger. Amethyst is a stone of tranquility, it helps concentrate, develops intuition, decisiveness and promotes total inner strength, stability and independence.



Amber is a protective stone against negative influences. His ability is to create a balance. It is a very strong health guard. It helps with patience and decision-making, promotes inner peace, stimulates memory and increases confidence. It encourages the desire to fulfill our desires and dreams. Amber balances emotions and awakens inspiration and natural beauty.



The stone of creativity and intellect. Apatite is an inspirational stone. It supports creativity and intellect, has effect against apathy, helps to eliminate negativity and confusion. It develops psychic abilities and spiritual attunes. Apatite encourages creation and supports intelligence. It helps heal bones, teeth, and joints.



Stone of courage, calm and balance. Aquamarine encoureges and dampens stress and feelings of fear. It opens the mind, helps communication and expression. It sharpens intellect and sensitivity. Aquamarine helps to open up creative thinking and puts the human mind in balance. It is a symbol of water.



Bloodstone is ideal for restoring and rebuilding mind and body. If your heart and life have disappointed you, Bloodstone is a stone that will help you. All stones have healing effects, but some are more epic than others, including Bloodstone, the necessary healing tool to return your spirit to a natural state of joy and vitality.



The tiger eye is a powerful protective, stabilizing and grounding stone. It provides calming and moderates stress. It strengthens the power of will, helps with great excitement, frivolity and phobias. It helps to look at things without illusions. It suppresses depression and destroys dependence on others by recognizing their own value.



Brecciated jasper is a stone of creativity and fantasy. It brings peace, support and help in stress. It is a safeguard against physical and mental hazards. It absorbs negative energy, adds courage and helps solve conflicts, fatigue and loss of energy. Brecciated jasper brings health and strength and increases organizational skills.



Bronzite is the stone of „silence“, creating utter peace. It adds courage, certainty and stability to its holder. It is a powerful protective stone that suppresses depression and stress and creates peace of mind. Bronzite helps self-help, supports determination and helps overcome stress. It balances the male energy in body and soul. It is used to treat bronchitis or chronic fatigue syndrome.



Colorful jasper is known as stone removing stress, negative energy and nightmares. Jasper is a stone of peace, mental and physical balance. It brings serenity, deep tranquility and courage. Colorful jasper strengthens the immune system, treats injuries and cleanses blood.



Coral is of organic origin and is a strong protective „stone“. It brings love and prosperity and brings our creativity and optimism to the surface. Coral symbolizes happiness and joy. It helps holder to enjoy life fully and to understand oneself. Protects against feelings of depression and anxiety. It fosters friendship and interpersonal relationships and attracts love and happiness.



Eagle eye is like a protective stone an ideal talisman before all forms of danger. It supports the flow of energy in the body and adds strength. It helps to eliminate dependence on others by recognizing one's own worth. Eagle eye suppresses depression and protects the holder from stress.



Ebony wood is known as the strongest magical wood. This precious wood is a remarkable substance and a gift from nature itself. It is used to defend and change for the better. Ebony recharges with pure energy and opens the door of love and freedom. It is also used for the production of musical instruments and decorative objects.



Garnet is a very powerful stone that brings a lot of energy that increases vitality and a taste for life. It keeps the organism in balance and delivers the necessary peace. It brings confidence and courage. It supports love and sexual desire. Improves both friendly and affiliate relationships. Helps resolve crisis situations and adds optimism. It brings endurance, love and stability.



The tiger's eye is a protective stone, workds as a talisman againts all forms of danger. This warming stone supports the flow of energy in the body and adds strength. It helps to focus attention and act on the basis of reason, not emotions. It attracts money and wealth. It is a suitable protective stone for travel. The tiger eye increases vitality and strength and restores body balance at all levels.



Gray jasper is the protective stone of the connection that reminds us of the need to help and build relationships. It helps by focusing and increasing concentration on what really matters. It protects against feelings of inferiority and brings positive energy. Gray jasper is a stone of concentration and concentration.



Hematite is a stone of health. It helps to extract diseases from the body and puts the body and mind in balance. It sets peace and peace, increases self-esteem and optimism. It contributes to concentration, improves memory and heals all blood-related diseases. It improves blood circulation and blood cell production. Burns anxiety and insomnia.



Hemimorphite is a stone that helps to develop ourselves and teaches us to love our personality. It gets rid of anger, hostility and personal aggression. It brings patience and inner peace. Encourages and helps achieve your goals. It promotes regeneration, refreshes and exalts.



Howlite is a stone of harmony. It helps to overcome nervousness, stress and irritability. It brings relief during insomnia, maintains a balance of calcium in the body, contributes to the good condition of teeth, bones and soft tissues. It brings peace and relaxation and adds harmony. Howlite acts as a detoxifier on the body and has beneficial effects on human health.



It is a stone used to protect. Turns negative action back to its originator. It supports the credibility and assertiveness of its holder and ensures change for the better. It gives you total peace of mind. Hypersthene is a cornerstone of courtesy, strengthens judgment without prejudice, and helps self-reliance. It helps find solutions to problems and maintains relationships.



Jade is an ancient, sacred stone of the Far East that attracts love, has the power to extend life, attracts money, supplies prosperous energy in business negotiations, raises the wisdom of the spirit, protects against disasters and accidents, helps prevent illness and health problems. It is a symbol of purity and serenity, bringing harmony, happiness and friendship to life. Jade releases emotion and irritability, calms the mind. Like a stone of dreams, placed on the forehead, it brings dreams that look deep into our heart.



Jasper Dragon Blood is the stone of the wounded heart, which comforts in pain, whether it is the reason of love, self-esteem or jealousy. Helps find yourselve. In the ancient world, he was worshiped as a powerful protective talisman of warriors in the wars. He was supposed to secure the invulnerability and a happy return. Protects against feelings of inferiority and brings positive energy. Jasper Dragon Blood is a balance of both mental and health balance. It adds the courage to enjoy life to the fullest.



Kyanite is a strong protective stone. Reflects negative energy. It brings loyalty, sincerity, satisfaction, balance, peace and concentration. It strengthens the musculoskeletal system, vocal cords and brain activity. It is a powerful power amplifier. Removes blocks, stress, fear and disappointment. Helps with logical thinking. The kyanite does not hold any negative energies in it.



It is a mystical and protective stone. It develops intuition, brings new ideas and removes negative energy. It suppresses fear and uncertainty and brings strength and endurance. Labradorite is a stone of change. It helps to overcome life changes, suppress fear and uncertainty. It brings light and joy to life.



It's a stone of power. Lava stone gives the holder an unstoppable strong positive energy and is used as a protective amulet. It absorbs negative energy and adds strength. Encourages and protects. It is a symbol of living equilibrium, purposefulness and strength. Lava stones have the ability to cumulate heat, so they are also used for massages. Lava stone brings vitality, strength, energy, health, trust, joy and protection.



It is considered a stone of luck. The moon stone gives the holder positive emotions and intuition. It brings love, protects sensitive nature, and conjures up relationships. It is strongly connected to the moon. Ensures quiet sleep and helps with insomnia. It brings inspiration and empathy and maintains the level of male and female energy. The lunar stone generally soothes emotions and strengthens creative thinking and mental balance.



Obsidian is a stone for gentle sensitive characters. Helps protect them against depression and negative energy. It symbolizes self-control and resilience. Obsidian is a strong protective stone. It helps with important decisions and prevents the bearer from acting badly. It strengthens the will to eliminate habits, brings harmony to the functions of the whole organism, and strengthens the senses.



Onyx is a protective stone that prevents and protects against negative energy. It brings self-control, purposefulness, and increases self-confidence. It adds strength and strengthens immunity. Onyx maintains balance in the body and reduces fear and concern. He is a great helper in difficult situations and difficult periods of life. It helps keep your head cool, over-sight, calm and a positive attitude to life.



Picture jasper brings peace of mind and support and helps with stress. Jasper is a stone of beauty, happiness, protection, health and healing. It supports tolerance and patience, relieves indecision, promotes selflessness, humility, compassion, and strengthens goodwill. It helps to suppress depression and protects against malice and hatred.



Pyrite is a very positive stone. It increases self-confidence, relieves anxiety, disappointment and melancholy and adds new energy to the body. It strengthens self-confidence, strengthens mental activity and helps overcome fatigue and exhaustion. It strengthens the mind and will to achieve its goals. It attracts happiness, wealth and prosperity. It brings health and well-being.



Red jasper is the stone of empowerment. It brings health and strength, peace, support and stress relief. It gives the body energy, brings wisdom, patience, and protects against nightmares. Red Jasper is an ideal stone for nerve calming, helping to restore and maintain balance and emotional stability in difficult times. It detoxifies and improves blood circulation.



The tiger eye is a stone that brings liveliness and stability. It can overcome lethargy and offers motivation. It balances emotional extremes. Helps improve decision-making. It brings prosperity and happiness. Ideal for those who can not see the world positively. Improves the ability to understand others and the ability of empathy in general.



Rosewood has been perceived for centuries as one of the most valuable exotic woods. Freshly scorched tree smells of roses, hence the name rosewood. It is one of the hardest wood ever. This rare tropical tree is typical of chocolate or red-brown color sometimes with purple undertones and red creasing. For its hardness and durability it is used to produce furniture, musical instruments or ornamental wood carvings.



Sarcandra Glabra is a healing plant that is used as a herbal tea or as a food supplement to promote human health. This traditional Chinese herb helps with stress and inflammation. It is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects.



Tridacna (Tridacna gigas) is the largest living bivalve, has a pearl over 1m in length and weighs over 200kg. They live for over a hundred years. From the shells, people have been making jewels since ancient times, not only for beauty, but also for talismans and amulets. Helps with bone and tooth problems, improves bone marrow quality. It brings peace of the sea and is a very strong talisman.



Smoky quartz is a stone, which is excellent against depression and negative emotions. Protects against stress, dissolves negative energy and helps in decision making. As a protective stone, it supports the detoxification of the whole organism, has beneficial effects on the mental state, suppresses nightmares and increases concentration and overall balance and concentration. Helps with communication problems and deepens the gift of empathy.



Sodalite deepens thought, consistency, adds courage and confidence. It stimulates endurance, agility and concentration. It deepens intuition, helps to fulfill desires, calms and protects against conflicts. Sodalite helps treat problems caused by stress, negative emotions and fear. Strengthens the nervous system, cleanses the lymphatic system and maintains metabolism in balance.



Tourmaline is in many ways a unique stone. It never has an adverse effect, it acts in favor of its holder and brings him love and joy. It's a protection stone. It takes all negative influences and emotions, helps to eliminate stress, anger and fear. It increases self-confidence, independence and independence. Tourmaline supports creative thinking and openness. Strengthens immunity and nervous system.



Turquoise is a protective, meditating and energizing healing stone. It brings happiness, inner peace and acts against depression, fear and exhaustion. It's amulet of travelers. It adds strength and concentration. Turquoise maintains balance, promotes creativity, contributes to self-realization, and helps to find solutions to problems. It balances emotional fluctuations and creates a sense of peace.

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